Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

So as most of you know I have been VERY sick with this little one, but he is healthy and that is all that matters. I am now 18 weeks along and (thank you God) this sickness is starting to fade! Jason and I went in for our Sono yesterday and found out we have a healthy baby boy (and yes he is for sure it was not a finger or toe) lol Since (yes only a day) I have registered at 2 different stores and been online looking at baby bedding ect. Which every girl knows just makes you more excited for the new baby to be here. I am hoping my mom and sister can come down sometime this month and help me get the nursery ready (I've already found everything I want so that should make it easy). However it has been challenging to not go out and buy everything I want (today). But I still have 3 baby showers so I am still trying to contain myself :) Anyways just wanted you all to know I am getting more and more excited about my new baby Boy by the min.