Monday, December 3, 2007

My life (crazy and ever changing for the best)

Well for my first posting I think it would be great to tell the greatest love story of my life. On a cold day in January I met the love of my life.... he walked or hopped into my life. A great friend who knew us both kept telling Jason (aka the man of my life) that "he had the PERFECT girl for him".
Now for those of you that know Heath know that when he has something set in his mind he can be the most persistent person on Gods green earth about it, and lucky for Jason and I he had a feeling about this. So for weeks he kept on Jason about emailing me on myspace (which normally I would have deleted an email from a guy I didn't know without even reading it, but the title bar said "hi I'm Heaths friend", so I thought uuummm okay I'll read this one). We emailed back and forth a while and I thought this guy seems really cool. He's a Christian, went to a bible college, was really nice and funny....... right then I knew it was God working in my life. This could not have happened at a more random time in my life..... PERFECT I love things to happen out of no where.
On that January night when we finally met for the first time he had just broken he's knee 3 days before so needless to say was in allot of pain and on crutches. He always teases me on how I made him walk (or hobble) all around the parking lot. We had coffee, and laughed all night and spent every day for 2 weeks together (till I finally got another job in Dallas, long story I'll save this one for another day). Then on the 8th of September we got married :). The most beautiful wedding just how I had dreamed it would be when I was a little girl. God is good and has always given me more than I could ever wish for or deserve!!